Counselling & Life Coaching
People choose Counselling/ Life Coaching when they want to make changes, address a problem or achieve a new goal.
What's taking up your brain ram without your permission?
Are you feeling dissatisfied about an area of your life?
Wanting to make a change and not sure quite how?
Needing to cope with life demands?
Learn strategies to deal with stress, think and feel better, & see the desired results manifest as you create the life you want to live.

Executive & Business Coaching
Progressive leaders choose Executive Coaching to promote high performance and optimize success. Leaders who want to create positive cultures with motivated employees, improve customer service while reducing costs, move initiatives past the finish line and have more influence save time, money and their bottom line through coaching.
Needing to deal with problematic employees?
Make cost reductions?
Advance your career?
Create a winning culture?
Learn specific skills and strategies to eliminate stress, think clearly, perform better, achieve goals and enjoy better relationships.

Mediation & Conflict Management
Mediation puts the results in your hands as you participate directly in creating the outcomes you want.
It's often the shortest path to resolving issues with the least amount of time, grief and money spent. Relationships can be spared further damage and transformation is a powerful, achievable outcome.